I Am A Writer!

The Absurdist Contrarian
2 min readOct 13, 2023
Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

I used to be a businessman that retired to be a writer. One little problem, I rarely do any writing, making it hard for me to call myself a writer. Much of it has to do with depression, crippling depression, I have struggled with for years.

Well, I am tired of it all. My options are to curl up in a ball and just waste away and/or commit suicide or to tell myself to get a life and do something to change my life around.

OK Carl, get a life!

I figure I will start out by making myself write everyday, something, anything, as long as it is writing. And I do not care what it is, a short story, an op-ed about something going on it the world, a diary entry, anything, as long as it is words on the proverbial page.

Hopefully this will help with my mental help and lead to me becoming more ambitious with my writing. My hope is that it is a circle of healing, that my writing will help to make me feel better about myself and take the edge off, and with any luck, end the depression. With that, hopefully, I then truly develop in to being a writer and pursue and publish some of my ideas for novels, stage plays and screenplays.

Wish me luck!

And if you enjoy a good story and an adventure in developing a writing career I hope you will follow me here on Medium. When I become a famous writer I promise I will let you buy me dinner and/or drinks or take me to spend time with you on your private island.

Photo by Free Walking Tour Salzburg on Unsplash



The Absurdist Contrarian

Carl R. White, The Absurdist Contrarian, is a human being, a writer, and a consummate loner who aspires to be a drifter. Twitter : @OneAbsurdLife