I Confess, I am a Serial Killer

The Absurdist Contrarian
3 min readMar 8, 2022
Yes, I Confess, I Have Killed but Don’t Judge Me Until You Read This

I was watching a movie last night and one character asked another, “Have you ever killed a man?”

That line triggered me, something I try to bury, but with no luck. I have spent many years needing to tell someone about my dark history but I also have a great need to not spend my life in prison. This essay will serve the purpose of a compromise, instead of telling one person, that I believe I can trust, the whole story, I am going to tell anyone that wishes to read this article a little bit about my story.

I might as well cut to the chase, I have killed men. No, I am not going to tell you how many. I am not going to tell you their names or how I killed them. I am not going to tell you when I killed them or where I killed them.

As I said before I have a great need not to spend my life in prison and I fear some nerd in Auckland, New Zealand who has spent his life writing an algorithm that figures out who is a murderer. He takes what little info I share and combined with the personality profile he compiles from my writing published online comes to the conclusion, with a 97% accuracy, that I was the person that murdered these specific men.

I know, silly, but when you have ended human lives, you get paranoid.

At this time I should point out that I believe I had valid reasons for killing these men. Sure, this just may be my rationalization but these were evil men that had done great harm to innocent people and they did not deserve to live.

Even sharing this little bit of information makes me paranoid, the kid from New Zealand is punching that data in now, bad men that had harmed people so badly they deserved to die.

I know what many will say, regardless of how bad these men were, no matter how much harm they did, I should not have killed them. It was not my job. Thou shalt not kill and all that.

I have debated all these issues and more in my head, over and over, and I have always come to the same conclusion. I do not regret that I killed these men and thus made the world just a bit better and a bit safer a place to live.

Your next question may be, fine, then why are you not still killing people like this, the world will never run out of evil people? I am selfish, I like being free, and alive, and I knew that my luck would eventually run out and either I ended up in prison or in a coffin. So I ended my run as a serial killer for the good of humanity.

So what now? I go back to my pretty normal and often boring life. I have no idea if sharing this little bit of information will help ease my need to share the burden of this truth. I guess, in time, I will find out.

Oh yeah, I know many of you will have that one big last question. Aren’t I afraid that the cops will soon come knocking on my door, I did just confess to multiple murders? My answer is no, I have no fear beyond that kid in New Zealand.

“Oh that, you see, I am a writer, that is fiction, strictly published to entertain, but I do appreciate that you are doing your job, I understand you had to at least talk to me…no…no apology needed. You have a nice day officers!”



The Absurdist Contrarian

Carl R. White, The Absurdist Contrarian, is a human being, a writer, and a consummate loner who aspires to be a drifter. Twitter : @OneAbsurdLife