I Have a Dream: Let’s Redefine The Meaning of Patriotism in the United States of America

The Absurdist Contrarian
5 min readSep 27, 2020
What if being a Patriot meant not only loving your country but the people in your country?

I have always found the idea of being a Patriot kind of confusing. According to the Google dictionary the definition of the word patriotic is ‘having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country’.

One, what exactly is a country, its land, its people, its government, its values, its laws, what exactly am I devoted to and vigorously supporting?

Two, are you only devoted to your country when it is doing great and providing you everything you need but not when it falls apart or is simply doing horrible things to you or others?

If you were born in Germany in the early 1900’s did you support your country before and after Hitler but during his time in charge took a break from your devotion. There were many citizens and soldiers that saw so many of the atrocities Hitler created but thought, I am a Patriot, I love my country, there must be a valid reason and did nothing or even participated in the atrocities because of their patriotism.

Many of the Patriots of Nazi Germany

Bottom line, is my love for my country supposed to be unconditional regardless of what my country does good or bad?

This confusion has led me to come up with my own version of patriotism. I simply love and am devoted to my country in the same way I love and am devoted to humanity, I love human beings and I love the human beings of the United States of America and I want the best for every single one of them.

I am pretty sure my country does not feel the same way.

My love means that I do not want a single human being to ever go hungry. We are supposedly the richest country in the history of the world so that does not seem to be too much to ask. My love wants everyone to have a safe place to sleep at night, to have a reasonable level of proper healthcare and imagine if every single child in this country got the same high quality education that only a few seem to get anymore.

I consider myself a capitalist and I do not think of any of these wishes as too much to ask, if it was important for all of us we could find the money to take care of all the human beings in this country, these human beings I love and, most importantly for some, I think it would ultimately make us a wealthier and even more powerful country.

Now before you start to think about me as some pie in the sky peace and love hippie, my love does not mean I like every human being I encounter. Think about it like family, you do not really like your brother that can not seem to stop using opiates, keeps getting arrested for shoplifting and listens to Nickelback but because he is family, you love him. You will keep trying to get him in rehab, you will keep bailing him out of jail and you will keep hiding his Nickelback 8-tracks because that is what family does for each other, they love.

Now imagine if that is what it meant to be a Patriot, to love your country meant that you loved every one of the human beings in your country like you should love your own family. We may not like every single one of them but they are family, we do our best to make sure they are taken care of and are safe.

Yes, you can even love someone that loves Nickelback

With that said I suggest we just slightly redefine the word patriotic to, ‘having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country and the people of one’s country.’

If you think about it this definition actually makes more sense. Shouldn’t the ultimate goal for any country be the wellness of the people of that country? It’s great if your country can kick the ass of every single country in the world but what is the purpose if half the people of your country are hungry and/or sick with little hope for their future?

Oops, I just realized I am probably describing the United States of America.

Even better what if in our driven, ambitious, success oriented and lone cowboy culture we redefined success around my all-new definition of patriotism. Hey, this is the United States, the richest, most powerful country in the history of the world but we do not measure success by the richest and most powerful people in our society, we love them, they have their role, they do their part, but how well we take care of each other, the poor, the elderly, the mentally ill, those that need our help the most is how we measure the true success of our country, our love for our country and our patriotism.

Imagine living in a country where someone that feeds the hungry is as admired as that guy that scores a role as the bad guy in that new reality show? Imagine living in a country where people care more that a million people live in apartments that Elon Musk built for the homeless with his money (I challenge you to do this Mr. Musk!) than simply being impressed (and possibly jealous) that he is the richest person in the world. Imagine if we were all simply kind to each other and did what we could do to help when we saw someone in need. Sometimes a kind word, a nice smile, giving someone a moment of your time is just as important and as patriotic as a sandwich you might buy for them.

Imagine…I know, I know…I am dreaming but as far as I am concerned this is the American Dream I want for my country and for every human being in my country. This is what I dream being a Patriot will some day mean in my country. And you know what, sometimes great things happen when someone simply takes the time to tell the world, I have a dream.

Sometimes great things happen when someone takes the time to tell the world, I have a dream.



The Absurdist Contrarian

Carl R. White, The Absurdist Contrarian, is a human being, a writer, and a consummate loner who aspires to be a drifter. Twitter : @OneAbsurdLife